Thursday, November 17, 2011

Newsletter 11-17-11

The Green Meadow Gazette
November 17, 2011

Upcoming & Important Events:
·  November 18thDismissal at 12:30
·   November 23rd  Dismissal at 11:25
·  November 24th  Thanksgiving (no school)
·  November 25thNo school
·   December 1stParent/Teacher Conferences
·   December 2ndParent/Teacher Conferences

Classroom News:

Thomas: This week and last week we got D.E.A.R. spots.  A D.E.A.R. spot is where you would read by yourself.  My D.E.A.R. spot is by Ms. Little’s desk.

Morgan: In Social Studies we learned that Pilgrims only had a little bit of space in their houses.  The Pilgrims were lucky though because the Wampanoags only had beds made out of sticks.  I learned a lot about the Pilgrims.

James: Yesterday we talked about the Pilgrims.  We all read a packet titled “Home Sweet Home.” I learned about daub.  Daub was a thick paste made from water, sand, and straw. They used it to make houses. I liked the highlighting.

Hunter: Last week when we were at the Library we learned about atlases and used Google Earth. Then we lined up, and then we left.

Kate: This Monday in Art we put paper mache on our bowl.  We dipped pieces of newspaper into the bucket of mache.  We did it three different ways.  There is vertical, horizontal, and the inside of the bowl.  There were three buckets.  The mache was made out of water and wheat.  When you take the newspaper out, you have to squeegee it first.

Henry: In Writing Workshop we wrote stories that could happen in real life but didn’t really happen.  We took our seed stories from our notebook then used it to write the realistic fiction story on the next blank page.  I wrote two stories that I think are kind of funny.  One is about how my shoe got loose and hit someone in the shin, and then the soccer ball hit my face.  The other one is about me getting hit in the face by a ball, flying into the net, doing backflips, running into a soccer net post, and getting knocked out.

Brianna: This week we read Time for Kids.  I learned that there are bats called bumble bats.  I also learned that bats are mammals, have wings, and can fly. I enjoy reading Time for Kids. 

Vinny: Yesterday we read Time for Kids.  It was about bats.  I learned that bats aren’t blind.

Alonso: Last week we learned three ways to read a book.  One way is to read the pictures.  The second way is to read the words.  The third way is to retell the story.  It was interesting because I did not know that before.

Kyle: We read a story called Brave Irene.  In Brave Irene there was a snowstorm and Irene has to go through it to deliver a dress.  First we read the pictures together and then we read the words. Last, we retold the story.  To retell a story first you have to read the story. Last, you have to tell how it went without reading the words.

Hannah: Lately in Math we have been studying multiplication.  A few weeks ago we read a book called Sea Squares.  In the book there was a rhyme about an animal that lives in the sea, and with each animal there was a multiplication problem.  After we went through most of the book, we made our own sea squares page.

Kyleigh: Last week our class read the pictures from the story Brave Irene.  How you read the pictures is you look at them and think about what’s happening in the story. I bet we learned a lot from Brave Irene!

Joseph: Once our class read a book called Brave Irene.  First we read the pictures, and then we read the words.  When we read the words we checked to see if we had read the pictures right.  Then we went back to our seat and sat down for the next lesson.

Dorinda: Sunday was Morgan’s birthday.  So on Monday she brought a book to read.  It was a duck book.  It was about ducks who liked to skate.  It was a great story.

Cara: We have been reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  We are at the part where he gets a new name.  We’re also at the part where he gets another new owner.  The owner is very loving and caring.  Oh and I forgot to tell you that Edward’s new name is Jangles.  We predicted his new owner is about four years old.  I hope it never ends.

Lindsey: This week we made book bags.  We put 3, 4, or 5 books in it.  Some were chapter books and some were picture books.  I think we are good at picking out books.

Rory: Yesterday in Writing Workshop we made up our own characters.  For example, the character’s name might be Jane, and Jane might hate cows and love roller coasters.  We made lists in our notebooks of things like that except more.

Robbi: In Math this week we worked on multiplying by 5.  We played a game called Find the Sum x 5.  How you play is you roll the dice, then add up the numbers, then multiply the answer.  For example, if you roll a 3 and a 5, you would do 8 x 5 = 40 and color in the square about 40 on the game sheet.

Aiden: This week in Gym we played Crazy Tag.  How you play is you tag people with different things.  We also played a game that you kick a bowling pin down. I liked Gym because we get to run when we play crazy tag.

Samantha: On Thursday we went to Ms. Burns’ class for Reading Buddies.  My reading buddy was Prisca.  We listen to our buddy read until we hear a timer.  We sit elbow to elbow and knee to knee.

David: This week we learned how to Read to Self.  We read in our reading spots around the room.  During Read to Self the kids are reading quietly and the teacher is reading with the kids.

Reese: Last week we started multiplication and made books called Circles and Stars.  It helped us with our times facts.  We rolled the dice and then whatever numbers we rolled would be turned into a times sentence.  For example, if I rolled a 2 and an 8, it would be 2 x 8 = 16. So we would draw 2 circles with 8 stars in each circle.

Graham: Last week we were multiplying facts by 2.  The trick to multiply by 2 is to add the 1st number to itself or to double the number.  I liked it because it was easy.  After we learned about it we played a game.  I lost.

Ms. Little: Parent/Teacher Conference reminders have been sent home in your child’s backpack folder.  Please contact me if you need to change your conference time and we can reschedule.  Have a great weekend. J

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