Friday, December 2, 2011

Newsletter 12-1-11

The Green Meadow Gazette
December 1, 2011

Upcoming & Important Events:
·        Thursday, December 1stDismissal at 11:25 for Conferences
·        Friday, December 2ndDismissal at 11:25 for Conferences

Classroom News:

Hannah: Lately in Math we have been multiplying by 0s and 1s.  The strategy for multiplying by 0 is that the answer is always 0.  The strategy for multiplying by 1 is that the answer is always the same number you are multiplying by 1.

Cara: We got new phonics notebooks.  The color I got was Christmasy red.  We were working on long e, so we had to think of words with long e sounds and write them in our notebook.  That’s what we did.

James: Last week in Writing Workshop we created a character and made problems for our character.  My character’s problem was that her best friend moved away.  I have already created the title.

Robbi: Two weeks ago we filled up the marble jar.  We decided to have pajama day with stuffed animals. We also had a special snack. We had to wait two days to have the special snack.  It was popcorn, hummus, celery, and carrots.

Lindsey: Two weeks ago we had Music.  We played games. I liked playing Stella Ella Olla and Down Came Johnny.

Joseph: Once our teacher Ms. Little read a story called The Magic Lunch Bag.  It was about two girls who had the same exact lunch bags.  The two girls hated what their moms and dads packed them for lunch but a lunch they liked was always in their lunch bag by the time they got to lunch. They didn’t know they had the same lunch bag.

Aiden:  Last week in Math we learned how to multiply by 9.  How you do it is you put 1 finger down and you look on the left side for the number in the tens place, then look on the other side for the number in the ones place and you get the answer.  I like it because it gives you the answer.

Reese: This week we finished reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. It was about a rabbit named Edward that goes on a crazy trip.  Ms. Little read it to us.  I thought it was a really good story. I liked the story because of the really good ending.

Vinny: Last week we learned how to multiply by 10.  To multiply by 10, you would count by 10s.  For example, to do 5 x 10, you would count 5 times like this: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.

Dorinda: Last week we thought of Native American names to go along with the sunsets we painted after we read The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. My Native American Name was Little Leaping Dolphin.  I loved making up a Native American Name.

Graham: In Math we did a multiplication by 10 game.  I liked it because it was easy.  My technique is putting a zero at the end of whatever number you are multiplying by.

Hunter: On Monday in Art, we made little winter houses out of clay.  They are coil houses.  We used clay and we rolled a ball, squished it, then made another ball to roll into a long snake.  Then we wrapped them around the flat bottom.  Then we made a pinch pot roof to put on top.

Morgan: We have Kindergarten Buddies in Mrs. Messina’s class.  We watched the Legend of the Indian Paintbrush movie with them.  Then we painted sunsets with our buddies.  I had fun with my Kindergarten buddy.

Brianna: This week in Writing Workshop we made up characters so we could write stories about our characters.  We also got to draw a picture of our character.  We made a list of what they look like on the outside and what they’re like on the inside.

Kate: On Monday we changed seats.  We split into tables with three desks at each table.  I have Thomas, Alonso, and myself at my table.

Thomas: Yesterday we had Gym.  At Gym we had basketball practice.  How to shoot the basketball is you try to flick it up into the net.

Kyle: We made up a dice game for multiplication called Cover the Product.  It has cards and dice.  First you roll the dice.  Then you pick a card.  If it is a two on the dice and a six on the card, the problem would be 2 x 6. Then, you’d figure out the answer and color in the product on the game board.

Henry: In Literacy we are starting something new.  We are doing phonics.  Phonics is about word families.  Word families are like long e, long a, and other vowels.  We got notebooks to do our phonics work in.

Kyleigh: Last Library at Green Meadow School, Mrs. Patino taught us about dictionaries.  We worked on looking up words.  We also checked books out and played games on the computers.  Then we went back to class.

Samantha: Last Wednesday we went to Mr. Mehigan’s class and watched Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving.  It was about when Charlie Brown and his friends had Thanksgiving dinner.  They also went on the Mayflower in the movie.  I liked the movie because I thought it was very funny.

Rory: Last week we received dictionaries from the Maynard Elks.  They are very nice people who help other people.  Then we wrote thank you notes.

Ms. Little: I am looking forward to meeting with parents for conferences. We will discuss your child’s progress and their report card will be given to you at this time.  If you have questions, comments, or concerns after our meeting, please contact me.  I’m also happy to set up an additional time to meet. Have a great weekend. J

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