Thursday, March 29, 2012

Newsletter 3-29-12

The Green Meadow Gazette
March 29, 2012

Upcoming & Important Events:
·        Friday, March 30thDismissal at 12:30
·        Thursday, April 5thDismissal at 11:25 – Parent Conferences
·        Friday, April 6thDismissal at 11:25 – Parent Conferences

Classroom News:

James: Last week we had Library. We listened to the directions from Ms. Patino. Then we used Google Earth on the computers. I liked it.

Brianna: This week in Math we learned about symmetry. We picked out half of a picture and glued it onto a piece of paper. After that we drew the rest of the picture on the other side of the paper. We had to make sure both sides were the same.

Samantha: We finished reading The Tale of Despereaux and started a new book called Stuart Little. The main character is Stuart, a very small mouse. He is only 2 inches tall and has a human family. We are on page 32. Stuart just got trapped in the window shade. His parents think he went down the mouse hole. I like the book so far.

Morgan: On Monday, people from the Concord Museum came to our class. They talked about the Colonial times. Rory and I got to dress up like the kids did in this time. I think we all learned a lot. I learned that they used clay pipes.

Kyleigh: Yesterday in Ms. Little’s class we did Writing Workshop in groups. Some kids worked with Ms. Little and some worked alone. Then we switched. The kids with Ms. Little moved to working alone and the kids who worked alone switched to Ms. Little’s group. My writing was about why you need sleep to be healthy. I wrote all the reasons why you need sleep and I kind of wrote it like a story! That’s why writing is fun.

Lindsey: Last Friday we finished our read aloud so we went to Mr. Mehigan’s class to watch The Tale of Despereaux movie. I liked the movie because it was a long, long, long movie.

Robbi: On Monday we had spelling. Some of us made our own words. Last week I got 6 words wrong, so I had to think of 4 new words to add to my list. This Friday we’re going to take a spelling test. I hope everybody gets their words right!

Aiden: This week and last week we did cursive. We learned how to write lowercase c, q, m, and n. Lowercase n looks like an m. Lowercase c looks like a regular c. Lowercase m has 3 bumps. Lowercase q looks like a regular q. I like cursive because the letters are different.

Cara: Last week we had MCAS. First we had snack and Ms. Little sent us in groups to the bathroom. Then we sat down and we were not allowed to get up until everyone was done. We sat for two and a half hours. We had to read a book while we waited for everyone to finish. MCAS is a big reading test.

Hannah: Last week was MCAS week and everybody was working very hard. There were only two days of MCAS but MCAS is over two hours long so it was still really tiring. Both days we were rewarded with an extra long recess. The extra recess was after second recess so first we had a normal lunch recess, then we had normal second recess with the second graders.  Then when recess was over, the second graders lined up and went inside, and the other half of the third graders came out. It is a good idea to have extra long recess because it refreshes our minds from MCAS.

Alonso: Last week we used tangram pieces to make pictures of animals. Tangrams are small, flat shapes that you can use to make other shapes. I made a whale. It was hard to make one. It was amazing what we could make. I loved all the work we all did!

Rory: Yesterday (3-27-12) we worked in new cursive packets. The letters inside are called downcurve letters. The letters in that packet are lowercase n, m, y, x, v, and z. It is our last packet of lowercase cursive letters.

Henry: Lately in Writing Workshop Ms. Little put sticky notes in our notebooks. My sticky note said to write 5 – 6 sentences about my thesis. I wrote 7 sentences. I am a step ahead of everyone because I was the first one to do my introduction. The introduction is just one sentence from each of your paragraphs to back up your thesis. On Wednesday everyone wrote their introduction and Ms. Little used mine to show the class.

Thomas: Yesterday we had Gym. At Gym we did rope climbing. I was the first one to climb because I was really quiet. I almost made it to the top. Then Ms. Little came in and we asked her to climb the rope but she said no.

Dorinda: On Monday we changed our desks. I sit with Kate, Graham, and Thomas. My table is near the Smartboard. I like it when my table is near the Smartboard because I can see the Smartboard really well.

Kate: You can earn a paw by helping someone, being kind, or being a learner. If you earn a paw then you get to put it in a bowl in the office. The paws get put on the bulletin board. The school is doing good so far. If you earn a paw you get to take a green tag home. The green tag is to remind you to tell your mom or dad how you earned it.

Reese: Last week in class we finished The Tale of Despereaux. It was about a mouse that was born with his eyes open. He also had humongous ears. He met a princess and they fell in love. My favorite character was Roscuro. He was a rat.

Graham: Last week in Art we painted our masks. The masks we were making were about what your first and last names mean. My first name means that I’m from a grand home so I painted a castle on my mask. My last name means that I was born in a gray house so I colored it gray. Then we went back to the classroom.

Hunter: This week our class did problem solving together because someone was not acting the right way at recess. We have a problem solving steps hanging up in our classroom that we use to help us solve our problems. We came up with a solution to the problem together.

David: We went to Music last week. We played the xylophone. Some people went outside right next to the music room to play recorders. Then we played a game. To play the game we had to hide the jump rope.

Ms. Little:  Spring conferences are next Thursday and Friday.  Reminders of your scheduled date and time were sent home in your child’s Thursday backpack folder. Please let me know as soon as possible if you need to reschedule. Enjoy the weekend.

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