Friday, February 10, 2012

Newsletter 2-9-12

The Green Meadow Gazette
February 9, 2012

Upcoming & Important Events:
·        Friday, February 10thDismissal at 12:30
·        Friday, February 17thFebruary break begins at the end of the day
·        Friday, February 17thBook orders due

Classroom News:

Kyle: Last time we went to Gym we had a substitute.  She made up a game and you had to slide a beanbag across the floor. But there was a rule that you couldn’t throw a beanbag. At the start of Gym we skip and run.

Lindsey: Tuesday was the 100th day of school. We made mosaics. We could only use 100 pieces.  My mosaic is a smiley face with a border. A mosaic is made with a lot of pieces of paper glued on to another paper.

James:  Last week we learned how to write cursive b and f.  Here is b: 
I thought it was fun. PS. Cursive needs a slant.

Robbi: Yesterday we filled up the marble jar. Today we’re going to pick what we want to do. It’s our turn to pick what we’re doing so I’m very excited about it. We could watch a movie, have a special snack, or have crazy hat day!

Dorinda: Last week we received a postcard from Idaho. The class was so excited. It had a big picture of a big potato. I liked getting all fifty states because this is the first time Ms. Little’s class got all fifty states!

Aiden: This week we made a “When I am 100” picture. I wrote I will be rich and drive a good car. I also made a picture of me in a car. I liked making this because you have to be creative.

Samantha: Last Tuesday Brianna and I went to read to Kindergarten. We read to Mrs. Wallace’s class. We read poems from Where the Sidewalk Ends. I had a good time.

Alonso: This week we kept typing our stories in Writing Workshop. I finished typing and I printed my story. The font I chose was Baskerville Old Face. I think it’s fun to write and I want to encourage people to write stories.

Vinny: Last week in Music we did singing stations. We were singing from these little cards that had a bunch of words on them. We were also doing stations using our recorders. I did not like it because it was a lot of work.

David: Last week we read to our new reading buddies in Ms. Burns’ class. Then they read to us. My buddy read a pirate book and a book called The New Kid in School. I liked the books my buddy and I read together.

Cara: When it was Groundhog Day we wanted to learn more about it. Ms. Little went on Google and found it. We watched a movie about it and we learned that his name is Phil. It was a little funny.

Kate: On Tuesday we changed seats. Every table has four desks. I’m with Kyleigh, Henry, and Daniel. Henry wasn’t here on Tuesday. Daniel wasn’t here on Tuesday either. So it was just Kyleigh and me.

Rory: On Monday we got our spelling words. I have list 34 which is the last list. My list has the words with –ible, vis- in them. Some people make up their own spelling words because they have already finished all the lists.

Thomas: Last week we learned about fact families in Math for multiplication and division. A fact family is three numbers. For example, 10, 5, and 50 are the numbers in a fact family. The problems would be 50 divided by 5 = 10, 50 divided by 10 = 5, 5 x 10 = 50 and 10 x 5 = 50.

Morgan: Our class read the book Shrinking Sam. It was about a little boy named Sam who told his mom that he was shrinking. His mom said, “Ok, get ready for school.” When Sam got to school he was so small that his pencil was the size of a crocodile so his teacher sent him home early. When Sam ate his dinner only one pea filled his tummy. When he went to take a bath, the tub was so big to Sam he had to take a bath in the sink. All of a sudden, Sam went down the drain! He was cold and wet and then he met a girl named Izzy. Then, they started paddling and Sam felt himself get picked up on a giant sponge.  He felt himself get bigger and finally when he was regular size again he gave his mom and dad a hug.

Brianna: On Tuesday we had the 100th day of school! We got to do fun activities like coloring, gluing, writing, and a lot more fun stuff.  We also saw a little Kindergarten parade. The parade was neat because the Kindergarteners had 100th day glasses and hats. We all had a lot of fun including Ms. Little.

Kyleigh: Last week in Writing Workshop in Ms. Little’s class we listened to a poem called Jimmy Jet and His TV Set. Then we wrote for a few minutes about what it made us think of. I wrote about the Superbowl. You kind of express your feelings when you write about the story I think.

Hunter: Last week in Library Mrs. Patino read us a story and we played on the computers for a few minutes. I played a Pac-man game except it was a math Pac-man. Then we checked out books if we wanted to.

Graham: In Art we painted our clay houses.  My clay house is a log cabin. I liked hen we built it better than when we painted it.  I liked it because I like clay and paint. It was one of the most favorite projects I ever did. The way we built them is we made snakes, took a soggy toothbrush and brushed the top of the clay and stuck them on. For the roof we made a pinch pot and stuck it on. A pinch pot is a shallow pot made out of clay.

Henry:  A few months ago on October 13, 2011, we had a student moving to Sudbury named Alexander. He wanted us to write letters to him so I did.  The last time I wrote to him I gave him a paper airplane. So Alexander wrote back to us and gave each person in our class who wrote him a letter a letter back.

Reese:  On Tuesday in class on 100th day, Ms. Little read us a story called Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler. The setting was in a classroom. Everyone was fighting in class. Mrs. Ruler talked to them about their fighting. The teacher said to do acts of kindness at home and then share it to the class the next day so they did. Then everyone wanted to do it except David. He did zero acts.  The next day they got 30 acts of kindness! At the end they did 100 acts of kindness! David helped too. I liked the story because they were being nice to each other.

Hannah: Lately in Swindle (the read aloud we’re listening to) Griffin and Ben’s plan to break into the store didn’t work. It didn’t work because the safe wasn’t in the store when they got in. Ever since the plan had flunked they had just been really helpless. One day when Ben and Griffin were riding in his parent’s car they saw a dog chasing them and they realized that the safe was probably at Swindle’s house.  A few hours later when they were outside and were talking about the new plan a teacher overheard them. For an excuse they said they were talking about a school project.  The teacher ended up giving them advice to go to the town hall. At the town hall they found out that there were six of the exact same houses build and Swindle’s was one of them! They ended up faking an injury to get into the house and find a plan.

Ms. Little:  We are working on our division unit in Math. Practicing multiplication and division facts at home will help your child become automatic with their facts for multiplying and dividing within 100. On another note, thank you to families who have contributed items to our classroom supply. We are still running low on disinfecting wipes and dry-erase markers and would greatly appreciate any donations. Enjoy the weekend.

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