Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pumpkin Day!

On Pumpkin Day our class participated in pumpkin math and science activities. First, students measured the circumference of their pumpkins. Then, we discussed whether we thought the size of the pumpkin was related to the amount of seeds inside. Students recorded each group's circumference and their own predictions on a recording sheet. After that, we played a game called "Pumpkin Scattergories" to practice describing our pumpkins using unique adjectives.

Finally, it was time to open the pumpkins! Students worked together in teams to scoop out the seeds and insides. Each member of the team helped sort, count, and find the total amount of seeds inside their pumpkin. At the end, we compared our predictions with our actual findings. Even though Pumpkin Day was a little messy, it was definitely a memorable learning experience!

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